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1. 个人简介

闫鸿志,男,副教授,硕士生导师。2023年于上海交通&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;制冷与低温工程专业获得博士学位,长期从事高温热泵系统构建与优化,低碳能源&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;应用适配性研究等领域,相关成果以第一作者身份发表在能源环境类顶级期刊Energy&Environment Science (IF=32.5)、中国工程院院刊 Engineering (IF=12.8)和能源类顶级期刊 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF=15.9)等国际学术期刊。担任《博彩公司》等国际学术期刊审稿人,担任全国&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛评审专家,河北暖通协会专家。

2. 教育经历

2013.09-2017.06 上海交通&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;,新能源科学与工程,获工学学士学位

2017.09-2023.09 上海交通&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;,动力工程与工程热物理,获工学博士学位(导师:王如竹教授),期间前往挪威科技&#博彩公司338;彩公&#博彩公司496;联合培养(合作导师:Trygve M.Eikevik教授)

3. 科研成果


[1] Hongzhi Yan; Marcel Ulrich Ahrens; Edgar Hertwich; Trygve Magne Eikevik; Ruzhu Wang. Heat pumps as a sustainable bridge for global heating and cooling at multi-scale. Energy & Environmental Science, 2024, , .

[2] Hongzhi Yan; Chuan Zhang; Zhao Shao; Markus Kraft; R.Z. Wang. The Underestimated Role of the Heat Pump in Achieving Chinas Goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2060. Engineering, 2023, , .

[3] Hongzhi Yan; Bin Hu; Ruzhu Wang. Air-source heat pump heating based water vapor compression for localized steam sterilization applications during the COVID-19 pandemic. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 20博彩公司, , .

[4] Hongzhi Yan; Bin Hu; Ruzhu Wang. AirSource Heat Pump for Distributed Steam Generation: A New and Sustainable Solution to Replace CoalFired Boilers in China. Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2020, , .

[5] Di Wu; Hongzhi Yan; Bin Hu; Ruzhu Wang. Modeling and simulation on a water vapor high temperature heat pump system. Energy, 2019, , .

[6] Chenxi Wang; Lingji Hua; Hongzhi Yan; Bangjun Li; Yaodong Tu; Ruzhu Wang. A Thermal Management Strategy for Electronic Devices Based on Moisture Sorption-Desorption Processes. Joule, 2020, , .

[7] Hongzhi Yan; Ruzhu Wang; Shuai Du; Bin Hu; Zhenyuan Xu. Analysis and Perspective on Heat Pump for Industrial Steam Generation. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, , , .

[8] Hongzhi Yan; Di Wu; Junyu Liang; Bin Hu; R.Z. Wang. Selection and validation on low-GWP refrigerants for a water-source heat pump. Applied Thermal Engineering, 20博彩公司, , .

[9] P. Ganesan; Trygve M. Eikevik; Khalid Hamid; Ruzhu Wang; Hongzhi Yan. Thermodynamic analysis of cascade high-temperature heat pump using new natural zeotropic refrigerant mixtures: R744/R600 and R744/R601. International Journal of Refrigeration, , , .

[10] Yixiu Dong; Hongzhi Yan; Ruzhu Wang; Significant thermal upgrade via cascade high temperature heat pump with low GWP working fluids, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023, 190(114072).


